The CoronaNet Research Project is an international, interdisciplinary, and non-profit effort of more than 500 researchers to collect data on a variety of government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic for use by policy makers, academic researchers, and others.
The principal investigators for this project are:
Cindy Cheng, Hochschule für Politik at the Technical University of Munich
Luca Messerschmidt, Hochschule für Politik at the Technical University of Munich
Co-Principal investigators for this project are:
Joan Barceló, New York University Abu Dhabi
Vanja Grujic, Universidade de Brasília
Allison Spencer Hartnett, University of Southern California
Timothy A. Model, Havighurst Fellow at the Miami University
Robert Kubinec, New York University Abu Dhabi
Caress Schenk, Nazarbayev University
Svanhildur Thorvaldsdottir, Hochschule für Politik at the Technical University of Munich
With more than 170,000 policies from all countries in the world, this project has amassed to-date the largest dataset on COVID-19 government policies. Because of the nature of the global pandemic, we are immediately sharing all data collected in this project with the aim of informing the broader public and stimulating research on the effects and causes of COVID-19 policies. We are always looking to recruit research assistants for the coming months to help us continue the work on a voluntary basis.
We are looking for you!
The CoronaNet Research Project is an excellent opportunity for those interested in global politics, international relations and public policy research who want to gather practical experience in hands-on policy analysis. You will join the project as a research assistant and support our efforts in collecting data on new restrictions and other legislations for a specific country or region. In becoming a specialist on policies in your country, you also have the option of writing policy reports or research notes on interesting policy trends, which are then published on our website. Your will also be mentioned in our published articles and on our website. Aside from academic writing, CoronaNet provides numerous other opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills in research, including an interactive training platform in R/R-Studio and internal workshops.
This position is an unpaid, volunteer position. However, the position can be done remotely, and the hours are flexible. We ask research assistants to commit between 5-10 hours per week for a period of at least three months, though we will consider situations in which applicants cannot do the full three months (please explain in the application). No prior knowledge is required, it is however desirable for applicants to demonstrate their interest and past experiences in policy/data analysis and collection as well as their language skills.
Get more involved!
After two weeks of joining the project, research assistants are eligible to apply for additional positions within the project:
Country and Regional Managers: To coordinate our work, we are looking for people who can contribute at least 8 hours/week and become a country/regional manager. Country/regional managers are responsible for a team of around 10 research assistants and can demonstrate their leadership skills.
Data Analysts: The project is currently in need of people who are interested specifically in data engineering and visualization to make the dataset more easily available to others. If you would like to contribute to those areas, please fill out the form below and provide evidence of your experience in your CV.
Missing End Dates Specialists: To provide as clean and as complete of a dataset, we are always looking for support to help us finding missing end dates for existing entries in a team of experienced and motivated RAs.
Make your application!
To apply, please use our online form. Please submit your application and CV in English. Any questions about the position can be directed to Applications will be processed on a rolling basis.
We will attempt to assign you to a country you are interested in or have language/expertise in, but we cannot guarantee it.
For those who are junior faculty/postdocs/PhD students, we are happy to consider collaboration in terms of academic publishing/writing. Please email us about the position at, so we can learn more of your interest in the project/data.
Read the job description in another language!
El proyecto de investigación CoronaNet recoge datos globales sobre las respuestas gubernamentales a la pandemia de COVID-19. Se trata de un proyecto de la Hochschule für Politik de la Technische Universität Munich, la Universidad de Nueva York - Abu Dhabi y la Universidad del Sur de California. El primer artículo sobre el proyecto fue publicado por Nature: Human Behavior.
El proyecto ya tiene más de 170.000 medidas políticas registradas por mas de 500 académicos y queremos reclutar más voluntarios para trabajar como Asistentes de Investigación en los próximos meses.
Tales puestos tienen un carácter voluntario y no remunerado, con un horario de trabajo flexible. Están especialmente destinados a estudiantes interesados en la investigación política, especialmente en relaciones internacionales o política comparada. Los seleccionados trabajarán virtualmente, a través de la plataforma Slack y tendrán acceso a la Plataforma Educativa del proyecto, donde pueden aprender como usar el programa R.
Es imprescindible tener conocimientos de inglés suficientes para comunicarse con otros miembros del proyecto.
Buscamos asistentes de investigación que:
Puedan trabajar 5-10 horas por semana durante 3 meses.
Deseen investigar las respuestas gubernamentales a la pandemia en los países donde se habla español.
Puedan comunicarse en inglés.
Aceptamos solicitantes de todas las disciplinas de estudio. No hay fecha límite para postularse y las solicitudes se aceptan de forma continua. Las solicitudes deben enviarse en inglés.
O projeto de pesquisa CoronaNet recolhe dados sobre as respostas governamentais globais à pandemia de COVID-19. Trata-se de um projeto de Hochschule für Politik da Technische Universität Munich, New York University - Abu Dhabi e University of Southern California. O primeiro artigo sobre o projeto foi publicado pela Nature: Human Behavior.
O projeto já tem mais de 170.000 medidas políticas registradas por mais de 500 acadêmicos de todo o mundo e queremos recrutar novos voluntários para trabalharem como Assistentes de Pesquisa nos próximos meses.
As vagas são de caráter voluntário e não remunerado, com horários de trabalho flexíveis. São especialmente destinadas a alunos interessados na pesquisa política, especialmente nas relações internacionais ou na política comparada. Os selecionados trabalharão virtualmente, por meio da plataforma Slack e terão acesso à Plataforma Educacional do projeto, onde poderão aprender como usar o programa R.
No processo seletivo, o conhecimento de idiomas é especialmente valorizado. É imprescindível o conhecimento de inglês suficiente para se comunicar com outros membros do projeto.
Procuramos Assistentes de Pesquisa que:
Possam trabalhar de 5 a 10 horas por semana durante 3 meses.
Desejem investigar as respostas dos governos à pandemia.
Podam se comunicar em inglês.
Aceitamos candidatos de todas as disciplinas de estudo. Não há prazo para a inscrição e as inscrições são aceitas continuamente. As inscrições devem ser enviadas em inglês.
Das CoronaNet Research Project ist eine gemeinsame Initiative der Hochschule für Politik an der Technischen Universität München, der New York University – Abu Dhabi und der University of Southern California zur Datensammlung über eine Vielzahl von staatlichen Reaktionen auf die COVID-19-Pandemie. Darunter fallen nicht nur Informationen, welche Regierungen auf das Coronavirus reagieren, sondern unter anderem auch die Zielgruppender Policies (z.B. andere Staaten), die Art der Policies (z.B. Einreiseverbot) und der Zeitraum, in dem sie gelten. Über 500 Forschende haben bereits zu einem Datensatz von über 170.000 Policies von mehr als 195 Staaten beigetragen. Diese Daten sind bereits jetzt in der aktuellen Version auf unserer Website zum Download für Entscheidungstragende, Forschende und andere Interessierte öffentlich verfügbar. Für die kommenden Monate suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt weitere ForschungsassistentInnen, die das Projekt mit ihrer freiwilligen Arbeit unterstützen möchten.
Du bist StudentIn und hast Spaß an Policy-Forschung?
Du interessierst dich für Internationale Beziehungen und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft?
Du sprichst Englisch auf einem guten Niveau?
Du hast etwa 3 Monate Zeit, um das Projekt für 5-10 Stunden die Woche zu unterstützen?
Das CoronaNet Research Project bietet dir die Chance, Erfahrungen im praktischen Forschungsumfeld zu sammeln und dich in einem internationalen Team zu vernetzen. Besondere Kenntnisse und Interessen wie im Bereich Data-engineering/Data-visualization sowie Sprachenkenntnisse können im CoronaNet Research Project eingebracht werden. Die Stelle ist unbezahlt, allerdings ermöglichen wir eine individuelle Gestaltung der Arbeitszeiten. Ebenso frei bist du in der Wahl deines Arbeitsorts; sowohl Trainings als auch die Arbeitselbst können von jedem beliebigen Ort der Welt ausgeführt werden – lediglich ein Internet-Zugang ist notwendig.
Weitere Informationen zum Projekt können unserem Forschungspapier publiziert von Nature: Human Behaviour entnommen werden, Infos zum Job und zur Bewerbung findest du unter Da wir ein internationales Team sind, bitten wir dich deine Bewerbungsunterlagen auf Englisch einzureichen.
Le projet de recherche CoronaNet s’agit d’une collecte des données des réponses des gouvernements à la pandémie COVID-19. Réalise par la Hochschule für Politik du Technische Universität de Munich, l'Université de New York - Abu Dhabi et l'Université de Californie du Sud, plus de 500 scientifiques contribuent déjà à une collection de plus de 170 000 politiques, et nous cherchons à recruter des volontaires / assistants de recherche pour les prochains mois de poursuivre le travail bénévolement. Notre premier article a été publié par Nature: Human Behaviour.
Nous demandons aux assistants de recherche à:
Avoir envie de rechercher la politique à la pandémie (particulièrement dans les pays francophones)
Parler l’Anglais au niveau de la conversation
Travailler 5-10 heures par semaine / 3 mois
Le projet CoronaNet vous offre la possibilité d'acquérir de l'expérience dans un environnement de recherche pratique et de travailler avec un groupe recherche international. Ce poste est un emploi non rémunéré et bénévole, mais les horaires de travail sont flexibles. Il est destiné en particulier aux étudiants qui aiment la recherche politique et s’intéressent aux relations internationales / aux politiques comparatives. Les étudiants ont la possibilité de travailler virtuellement. Nous encourageons vivement les étudiants qui parlent beaucoup de langues à poser leur candidature. Pour communiquer avec les autres assistants de recherche, ils doivent avoir des connaissances de l’Anglais. Des connaissances et des intérêts particuliers comme dans le domaine de la science des données / de la visualisation des données peuvent être apportés dans le projet.
Généralement, nous acceptons les candidats de toutes les disciplines d’études. Il n’y a pas de date limite pour postuler et les candidatures sont acceptées de manière continue.
Pour poser votre candidature, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant: Il est demandé de soumettre votre candidature en anglais, car nous sommes un groupe recherche international.
CoronaNet è un progetto di raccolta dati su vasta scala con oltre 500 ricercatori da tutto il mondo con il fine di comprendere e analizzare le reazioni dei governi nel fronteggiare la pandemia di COVID-19.
Il progetto è frutto di uno sforzo congiunto tra la Hochschule für Politik della Università Tecnica di Monaco, la New York University con sede ad Abu Dhabi, l’Università Nazarba-yev, l’Università di Brasília e l’University of Southern California. Grazie al lavoro dei nostri ricercatori abbiamo già compilato un’ampia banca dati di oltre 170.000 voci. Al momento, il progetto è alla ricerca di ulteriori volontari.
Il nostro primo articolo è stato pubblicato su Nature: Human Behavior.
La posizione consiste in volontariato non retribuito con orari di lavoro flessibili. Le man-sioni sono principalmente rivolte a studenti che esprimono un interesse accademico negli ambiti delle scienze politiche, relazioni internazionali e politica comparata. Invitatiamo anche ricercatori con esperienza nella valutazione e elaborazione dei dati ad unirsi al pro-getto. Accettiamo candidati provenienti da ogni disciplina accademica. I volontari possono lavorare in remoto da casa. Incoraggiamo vivamente i candidati che dispongono di cono-scenze in una o più lingue straniere a fare domanda.
Ai nostri volontari che seguono già da tempo il progetto offriamo possibilità di svolgere compiti nei campi della visualizzazione dei dati, web design, gestione dei social media, programmazione, nonché opportunità di ricerca e pubblicazioni.